Cost: $75
Audience: How to Sim is designed for physicians, physician assistants, registered nurses, nurse practitioners, and any other healthcare professional interested in participating in perinatal simulation scenarios.
Contact Hours: 3.5 hours of CEs
Certification: No. There is no certification offered for this course.
Course Description: The goal of this 4-hour interactive training is to introduce healthcare providers to the use of highly-realistic simulation for obstetric and neonatal emergencies. The training will include didactic sessions, multiple simulation scenarios, and hands-on activities. The course will provide participants the basic knowledge and skills needed to run low-tech in-situ simulations within their own facility.
*Part 1: Instructor-led in-person course. No pre- or post-work is required for this course.
Session Date: Saturday, 3/22 from 8 am - 12 pm