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Management of Traumatic Crown Fractures with and without Pulpal Exposures in Children and Adults

Price: 59.00

ACDE Joint Provider Live Webinar Series 

Management of Traumatic Crown Fractures with and without Pulpal Exposures in Children and Adults

Tuesday, 09/24/2024

8:00 PM EST | 7:00 PM CST | 5:00 PM PST


The Association for Continuing Dental Education (ACDE), along with 37 of its member schools, is jointly providing a series of live webinars.

This series features university-based key opinion leaders presenting numerous topics on multiple dates and times. Presentations are available to meet every dental professional’s schedule and interests.


CDE Hours Awarded:                                       Conflicts of Interest:

1.5 CDE Lecture Hours                                          No Conflicts


Education Methods: Lecture/Webinar                 Required Experience:                    

AGD Subject Codes:  780/070                         Dental Practice Experience                                             

External Funding: None



Course Description: 

This course provides an overview of the diagnostic procedures, emergency treatments, and definitive treatments for crown fractures of permanent teeth. Additionally, it will provide long-term follow-up recommendations and procedures based on the most recent guidelines by the International Association of Dental Traumatology and peer-reviewed literature.


At the conclusion of this course, participants should be able to:

  • Identify different types of crown fractures.
  • Describe the emergency and definitive treatments for each type of crown fracture.
  • Describe the favorable and non-favorable outcomes of crown fractures.

Please note: Fee details, there are no discounts available for the ACDE Live Webinar Series, and the presentations are not recorded.


This is a two-step registration process: 

Step 1. Click the registration button above to register with The University of Utah School of Dentistry.

Step 2. After completing your registration and payment through the UUSOD registration site, you will be emailed another link to finish enrolling in order to receive your Zoom link to participate in the session.

Although each lecture in this series is hosted by a different school, your registration will be through The University of Utah School of Dentistry. We will document your attendance, provide your CE credits, and be available if you have questions. 


Guest Speaker:

Ehsan Azadani, DDS, MS

Dr. Azadani is an assistant professor of pediatric dentistry at the Ohio State University College of Dentistry and Nationwide Children’s Hospital. He is a Diplomate of the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry and a Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. He directs the Dental Trauma Clinic at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, and his teaching and research primarily focus on dental traumatology.