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The DLI Secondary Summer Institute for Teachers will prepare in-service and pre-service teachers of DLI languages to deliver effective instruction in immersion programs at the secondary level and to help students progress through the Intermediate level of proficiency towards the goal of Advanced proficiency. The workshop is supported by the LRC Grant of the Second Language Teaching and Research Center (L2TReC) at the University of Utah.
TESTS FOR: Level and ability of speaking proficiency of a selected language
DELIVERED BY: Telephone or Internet
TEST DURATION: 20-40 minutes
NOTE: This test is recorded and assessed by certified raters and a score assigned against either the ACTFL or the ILR scale. This test can be taken at the candidate’s convenience.
Additional test details are accessible at: https://www.languagetesting.com/oral-proficiency-interview-by-computer-opic.
Venez passer quatre jours en français avec nous!
Nous reverrons les standards culturels ACTFL-NCSSFL pour que vous les appliquiez à vos leçons. On verra comment utiliser l’Intelligence Artificielle pour rédiger des leçons et des textes. Et puis on mettra un peu de grammaire, d’écriture et de culture dans notre répertoire. Pourquoi pas les Jeux Olympiques de Paris 2024. Comme d’habitude nous répondrons à vos questions. N’oubliez pas d’apporter vos manuels et les leçons que vous aimeriez retoucher.
Lunch card and daily parking included with workshop.
Two Graduate Credits (credit/no credit basis) OR MIDAS credit will be available.
The Summer Teacher Workshops are university content workshops, taught in the target language, for all K-12 language teachers. Workshops are designed for adults to engage in deeper cultural learning and in language practice.
Co-sponsored by the Department of World Languages and Cultures