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Athletics>>Varsity Club

Varsity Club
Varsity Club Membership Level 1 - $50
The Varsity Club at the University of Utah is a network of former student-athletes and coaches who are engaged in the continuing success of Utah Athletics. The Varsity Club provides special benefits and activities designed to bring our letter winners back to the University of Utah campus. Benefits for Level 1 Varsity Club members include annual gift, complimentary tickets to certain Utah Athletics events, bookstore discount and an invite to annual reunion party.
Varsity Club Membership Level-2 $75
The Varsity Club at the University of Utah is a network of former student-athletes and coaches who are engaged in the continuing success of Utah Athletics. The Varsity Club provides special benefits and activities designed to bring our letter winners back to the University of Utah campus. Benefits for Level 2 Varsity Club members include discounted season tickets, Crimson Club membership, complimentary tickets to certain Athletics events, bookstore discount and an invite to annual reunion party
Varsity Club Donation
Any contribution above the annual Varsity Club membership contribution can be designated to the Varsity Club fund and used to support special projects that support all varsity teams with University of Utah Athletics. The Varsity Club pays special attention when giving grant money to areas which are used by all our student-athletes and coaches.