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Outreach>>Sustainability Office

Sustainability Office
Sustainability Office General Fund
Give to the University of Utah Sustainability Office, which serves as a hub for campus engagement, communication, education and action. The Office enhances educational opportunities, supports student ideas, and promotes best practices to create a culture of sustainable behavior on campus.
Campus Clean Energy Initiatives
Assist the University of Utah in becoming a leader in a clean-energy future and achieving its mission of carbon neutral by the year 2050. Money donated to this fund will sponsor solar and other forms of renewable energy and will help upgrade existing buildings to be more efficient. Energy-cost savings from these changes will go back into other energy initiatives, making this a unique giving opportunity that grows over time.
Craig B. Forster Legacy Fund in Sustainability
Give to the Craig B. Forster Legacy Fund in Sustainability, which supports student learning and engagement by funding travel to sustainability-themed conferences, registration fees for workshops and courses, writing stipends, and more. Dr. Forster was the first director of the University's Sustainability Office and a passionate and well-loved professor who specialized in hydrogeology
Active Transportation at the University of Utah
Support active transportation efforts, such as walking and bicycling, at the University of Utah. Active transportation is a healthy and sustainable alternative to driving that improves air quality for everyone in the valley. Money will go toward supporting educational programs, engagement initiatives, and infrastructure improvements like pathways, bikeshare, and more bicycle parking.
University of Utah Farmers Market
Support the University of Utah Farmers Market. The market links local growers and artisans with the campus community and provides access to fresh, healthy, and local produce and pre-packaged foods, as well as unique arts and gifts. Since 2008, the on-campus market welcomes more than 30 vendors to the University for seven weeks every fall semester.
Sustainability-Based Graduate Fellowships
Support the Global Change and Sustainability Center (GCSC) and Environmental Humanities (EH) Graduate Fellowship Programs, which recruit and support outstanding and diverse students to the University of Utah who are interested in interdisciplinary environment and sustainability research and training that prepares them to be leaders in solving challenges facing society.