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Department of Mechanical Engineering

Training Modules

Machine Shop Basic Training Module 1
Price: 50.00

Students need to obtain required training to access the Machine Shop. Training will be provided through modules. The student’s level of training will be indicated on a Machine Shop Badge, which needs to be displayed at all times when in the Machine Shop. 

Please read the following carefully:

****By registering for this module, you agree to the following terms and procedures below:****

Procedures for Attending Manufacturing Laboratory Modules

- Please bring a set of safety glasses. You should also wear long pants, closed-toe shoes, and no lose clothing. It is a University Safety Policy that students wear the appropriate clothing and personal protective equipment when attending laboratories.

- Please bring something to take notes on. Electronic devices are discouraged as they may get damaged.

- You will be expected to attend all the lab sessions on the days and times that are listed on the module schedule. Make-up laboratory modules will only occur with a valid excuse and permission from the module instructor.

Machine Shop Basic Training Module 5
Price: 50.00

Students need to obtain required training to access the Machine Shop. Training will be provided through modules. The student’s level of training will be indicated on a Machine Shop Badge, which needs to be displayed at all times when in the Machine Shop.

Please read the following carefully:

****By registering for this module, you agree to the following terms and procedures below:****

Procedures for Attending Manufacturing Laboratory Modules

- Please bring a set of safety glasses. You should also wear long pants, closed-toe shoes, and no lose clothing. It is a University Safety Policy that students wear the appropriate clothing and personal protective equipment when attending laboratories.

- Please bring something to take notes on. Electronic devices are discouraged as they may get damaged.

- You will be expected to attend all the lab sessions on the days and times that are listed on the module schedule. Make-up laboratory modules will only occur with a valid excuse and permission from the module instructor.

Machine Shop Basic Training Module 7
Price: 50.00

Students need to obtain required training to access the Machine Shop. Training will be provided through modules. The student’s level of training will be indicated on a Machine Shop Badge, which needs to be displayed at all times when in the Machine Shop.

Machine Shop Basic Training Module 9
Price: 50.00

Students need to obtain required training to access the Machine Shop. Training will be provided through modules. The student’s level of training will be indicated on a Machine Shop Badge, which needs to be displayed at all times when in the Machine Shop.