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Academic Units>>School of Medicine>>Department of Medicine

Department of Medicine
scholarships Department of Medicine Gift Fund
The Department of Medicine deals with the entire patient, rather than a particular organ system that covers diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disease in adults. Your donation supports our outstanding faculty with collaborative opportunities in their research as well as assisting our educational programs with visiting lectureships.
scholarships Department of Medicine - The Society Supporting Leadership in Internal Medicine (SSLIM)
SSLIM plays a key role in the Department of Medicine by supporting newly-recruited faculty members. SSLIM offers a loan repayment program to our junior faculty. This allows the Department to be more competitive when it comes to recruiting and retaining our newest faculty members. Contributions made from and through this group are also unrestricted and are used in areas of greatest need for the Department. SSLIM members are invited to various events throughout the year.
scholarships Department of Medicine - Roger Williams, MD Memorial Account in Cardiovascular Genetics
Cardiovascular Genetics (CVG) was founded in 1977 under the guidance of Roger R. Williams, MD, a recognized expert in the field of cardiovascular genetics. Donations to this fund assist us in the recruitment, clinical characterization, genetic characterization, and measurement of risk factors in high-risk families and the application of genetic epidemiology techniques to promote disease prevention.
scholarships Merle Sande Memorial Lectureship Endowment in Internal Medicine
Dr. Sande touched the lives of so many people across this world. From his students, house staff and colleagues; to local, state, national and global leaders; to the very patients he served; Merle always gave of himself unconditionally. Dr. Sande's tenure as Chairman of the Department of Internal Medicine and Residency Program Director for the University of Utah was one of considerable growth for the department with implementation of innovative programs. He was a legendary teacher who excelled at teaching, bringing his deep knowledge and infectious enthusiasm to the benefit of his patients and students.
scholarships Medical Ethics General Development Fund
scholarships Physician Lit and Med Program in the Division of Medical Ethics
scholarships Rheumatology Research Gift Fund
The University of Utah Division of Rheumatology has long been active in the clinical investigation of new therapies for rheumatic disorders. We are recognized both nationally and internationally for our contributions and expertise in clinical trials. We have eight full-time rheumatologists and a nurse practitioner in our division. Each is committed to providing impeccable care and strives to relieve symptoms and improve the quality of life for their patients. We provide care for general rheumatology disorders and also offer specialized treatments in our Vasculitis Center and our Progressive Systemic Sclerosis Clinic.
scholarships Tribal, Rural, Urban Underserved MedEd Program
The TRUE Program prepares University of Utah medical students for primary care residencies and careers in Tribal, rural, and urban underserved communities in the Intermountain West. Funding allows us to expand clinical opportunities, enhance mentorship and professional identity formation, cultivate community partnerships and outreach efforts, and advance inter-professional healthcare education.
scholarships Department of Internal Medicine
scholarships Mr. Hayes Research Fund for IPF
Mr. Hayes is a beloved freshman biology teacher at Roland Hall-Saint Marks where he taught for 18 years. He taught a lot about being a good person, and about how to learn. Following a diagnosis of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF), Mr. Hayes established The Mr. Hayes Research Fund for IPF to help raise funds for his physician's research. Peter Hayes is an accomplished skier, rock climber, river guide, teacher, and artist.